This system can be used to report IT incidents to the York Instruments Support Team, and get them resolved. At the moment it is only intended for use internally by the company; however it will be rolled out to clients in the near future, when it will be used to report incidents relating to MEGSCAN systems.
To use this system you will either have to create an account using Sign up on the home page, or you can just log a ticket and enter your email address when prompted. Either way, you will then receive an account activation link via email.
In the meantime what counts as an IT incident? Anything really, but here are some examples:
* Your hardware or software is not working the way it should - a defect
* You need to modify how software or hardware works - a change request
* You need new software or hardware - also a change request
* You have a question relating to hardware or software - a query
* You need the Support Team to do something for you, like reset a password - a task
How can you use this system to report an incident to the Support Team? There are two ways:
* Go to the home page and click +New support ticket
* Just send an email to '' and a ticket will be logged on your behalf
The Support Team will acknowledge your ticket as soon as possible via email, triage it into one of the categories above, and you'll then receive further email updates as your ticket is progressed. You can also track your tickets using Check ticket status on the home page.
When you log a ticket, either here or via email, it would be very useful if you could include the following information please.
If you need to report a defect could you please tell us:
* What software or hardware is affected
* The intended behaviour of the software/hardware versus the actual behaviour
* The steps required to reproduce the unintended behaviour
* If this is a software defect, screenshots of the unintended behaviour would be useful - you can put then in your email or use + Attach a file when submitting a ticket
* How severely the defect is affecting your work, so we can correctly prioritise it
* As much additional detail as would be useful
If you need to report a change request please tell us:
* What software or hardware would be affected by the change
* What do you want the change to accomplish
* As much additional detail as would be useful
If we understand what it is you want to accomplish via a change, we can then discuss with you the best way to do it.
In regards to any query or task tickets, please just provide us with as much detail as you can.